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I have been given an Elektron Digitakt!

Totally unexpected, a friend who is into electronic music gear popped over for a chat, and gave me his Elektron Digitakt!

Wow! How generous was that?

It’s a serious piece of kit..

Turns out he now has a Digitakt 2, and rather than sell this on (about £500!), he thought I might like it.. hell, yes,!

I now feel that I have to DO something with it.

No, not selling it.

(Yes, I am aware of the learning curve, but what the hell, why not)

I’m off to watch some YouTube videos. Florian (Bad Gear) recommended Cuckoo, so we’ll start there..

Simon Guitar tutorial:

Elektron Digitakt support page (includes Transfer, Over bridge & manual):

Stay tuned for updates.

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