John Foxx And The Maths – Howl
New single taken from the forthcoming album, Howl (out on 15 May 2020)
PreOrder HERE Watch the video created by Karborn (
John Foxx: ‘Some years ago Karborn and I had this idea to use gifs to make the very first Gif Movie, and since then, this method of working has intrigued us no end. There are lots of inventive people out there, choosing stuff from a huge reservoir of moments we all know and looping them, like tiny obsessive memories, so you eventually feel you’re joining with some great, lost, oceanic mind. Media goes into all our memories and stays there, so in that way, we all own it – it’s part of us. So this swimming about in our mass memory is exciting and inventive. I do think gifs are this century’s folk art. All this recovered, distilled, raw material we use to affirm and prompt ourselves with. A Magical process. Moments go from hand to hand, altering all the time, just like music.’