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John Foxx And The Maths Featuring Gary Numan – Talk (Are You Listening To Me?) by Metamatic Records

John Foxx And The Maths Featuring Gary Numan – Talk (Are You Listening To Me?) by Metamatic Records

[bctt tweet=”John Foxx and Gary Numan on the same track. Finally..” username=”nervejam”]


The long-awaited “collaboration”.  But..

  1. The “intro” is too long.
  2. Gary only sings his own lyric “are you listening to me”.  I REALLY wish he’d sung some of the original lyrics as well.
  3. Maybe it would have been better if they’d actually met. The Jarre/Numan track is an ACTUAL collaboration..
  4. It sounds like two tracks nailed together in a shed.


Having had my little moan, I do like the Numanised bits better than the original. That classic Numan synth line is a killer. I wonder what synth he’s using now (Virus?)


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